Cordoba Business Guide

Córdoba is an ideal city to invest. This business guide offers an up-to-date and faithful view of the factors that make Córdoba such an attractive city for potential investors, as well as the main sectors of opportunities in the city and its sphere of influence.



Contacts of interests

City of Cordoba

Ayuntamiento de Córdoba (Cordoba city council)

CECO (Business Confederation of Cordoba)

IMDEEC (Municipal Institute for the Economic Development of Cordoba)

(Tourist Office of Cordoba)

 Province of Cordoba

Diputación de Córdoba (Cordoba provincial council)

Cámara de comercio (Chamber of commerce)

Instituto Provincial de Desarrollo Económico de Córdoba (Provincial Institute for the Economic Development of Cordoba)

Patronato de turismo (Tourism Board)

Knowledge hubs

Universidad de Córdoba (University of Cordoba)

Universidad Loyola (Loyola University)

Campus de Excelencia Internacional Agroalimentaria (Campus of international Agrifood Excellence)

Fundación Centro de Innovación Andaluz para la Construcción Sostenible CIAC (Andalusian Innovation Center for Sustainable Construction)

Centro Tecnológico Metalmecánico y del Transporte CETEMET (Metalworking and Transportation Technology Center)

Instituto Maimónides de Investigación Biomédica de Córdoba IMIBIC (Maimonides Biomedical Research Institute)

Escuela de Joyería de Córdoba (Cordoba Jewelry School)

Fundecor (University Foundation for the development of the province of Cordoba)

Offices and spaces

Rabanales 21 (Cordoba science and technology park)

Gerencia Municipal de Urbanismo de Córdoba (Municipal urban planning body)

Parque Joyero de Córdoba (Cordoba Jewelry Park)

Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones (Exhibition centre)

CECO Coworking

La Zona Coworking

Andalusia Regional Executive

Junta de Andalucía (Andalusia Regional Executive)

Agencia IDEA (Innovation and Development Agency of Andalusia)

Extenda (Agency for the Foreign Promotion of Andalusia)

Invest in Andalucía

Andalucía Emprende (Andalusian foundation for entrepreneurial activity)

National entities

Casa Árabe

ICEX-Invest in Spain


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